
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Christmas Nakayoshi

I've only bought Japanese fashion magazines before, but decided to order a manga one. I have no regrets even though I can't read it....yet. It also came with a comic calendar which I think is really cute and cool idea. Most calendars will just be thrown away because let's face it, they're boring! But now I have one year of my life in a comic book form! How neat is that? I will post pictures of the calendar later~

Monday, April 1, 2013

I can't believe I found this!

This page somehow is still up. Since I'm too tired to make a new blog I might as well continue in here. I haven't been as much to make up lately, but I'm sure when I'm not posting about beauty, it will be related to Asian culture one way or the other. Though no one better not shoot me if there is a post that has nothing to do with beauty or Asia!

Anyway has anyone else seen these new Tamagochi's? They're so adorable and kawaii! I think they're called Tamagochi P but I have no idea why. Is it because it's generation P? Or because they're princesses? I'm dying to get a White one but they're expensive and still only in Japanese. I think I'll wait till they are in English so I will understand what is going on with my pet :D