
Monday, May 16, 2011

Bling Camera

So my dad dropped off a camera. And I totally decorated it with stickers that I have.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Self-tanning Products I Use

I've been using some self tanning lotions. The weather got so cold and cloudy suddenly that tanning outside hasn't been an option. Also I don't think it's healthy to use tanning beds.

So the ones I have are from Avon, Dove and Lumene. I tried to get as cheap stuff as I could that would still be good. I'll post some pictures of the products when my dad drops off a new camera for me tomorrow.

On my face I use Avon, Lancome and Oriflame tinted moisturizers.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Before I go to my actual post I want to ask if anyone knows if there's specific purikura books or do people make them themselves?

Anyway on with the post. I knew my Rock&Roll phase was going to last only for a bit and now I'm again, head over heels into Gyary. I really like the more schoolgirl kind of look, I just don't know if I'm old enough to pull off a look like that. Well what does other people's opinions matter anyway? I should be abl e to dress the way I want right? I wish I could actually feel like that.
It's a sin to look cute over here. I think I mentioned this in an earlier post but I'm gonna talk about it again. I think cute is feminine and it makes me feel good. It's just that since I'm not asian or a foreigner in my country, there's no excuse to why I would be wearing cute stuff. Unless there's of course somenthing wrong with me.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Style Change For Summer

For the strangest reason that I can't explain, I'm really into rock fashion right now. I just bought today a pair of earrings that have tiny crosses on them and a black make up bag. I have to say it hasw kind of been on the bottom for some time but never got as strong as it is right now. I really want to get some rock type bag and band shirts... Also I bought Rimmel Sexy Curves mascara (red one) and it really makes your eyelashes long but not thick. I'm thinking I might have been happier with Maybelline's The One by One Mascara. I had the Falsies one before and I really liked it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wedding Cake

I want those two on top of my wedding cake when the time comes(again) ^_____^

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More Books

I've been very excited to read this book called "The Hunger Game". When I was working in a bookstore earlier this year, I saw the book on the teenage section and it seemed to be very popular. I rememver thinking why. I mean my first impression of the book was that it's some boys in some deserted island trying to stay alive.

When I heard Elle from Youtube (AllThatGlitters21) review the book serie, I got interested in it. I never thought it would be some futuristic love story thing. I read the first 40 pages last night when I should have been sleeping ^^' It was okay, I like the way it has been written. Though I have to say I'm not a fan of forest people xD

Monday, May 2, 2011

Trying To Read

I have been reading more than usual lately. Well mostly the books hang around in my room but I do read them occasionally. It's hard when you have an unemployed husband who has so much time on his hands so I end up doing stuff with him. I do wish I had more alone time. Our apartment is quite small so it feel weird to be doing stuff separately in the same room. Do other people have this same problem? Any ideas how to solve this?

Friendster Graphics

Anyway so I've been into this book serie called "House of Night"that is about this girl who turns into a vampire and has to move away from her family to a vampire community. The book has not yet hooked me but I do enjoy reading it. You can find vampire things everywhere now, which I'm happy about. Vampires are one of my favorite "mythical" beings and I do find them facinating...and sexy....real sexy!

My Huawei

Cellphones are an important part of our daily lives now. I know my phone is very precious to me and means a lot. Not for the obvious reasons though. I love customizing it, I wish there was more skins or hard covers available for it T-T Also the cover itself is kind of sort so I don't think adding diamonds etc. would work. But it is so nice. I think Android phones are gonna become so great soon. They have so much potential. My phone is already full of different kinds of applications. I love weight and food tracking programs. Though I'm still trying to find the one for me. But anyway I love them <3

What kind of cellphone do you have?

Getting Fit With Hello Kitty

I've always laughed at these but this one I could actually buy if I had the money!

Taking A New Page

I have not posted anything in along time but I think my problem is that make up is not my life. My life is so much more and I think that now I want to share those things with other people, have conversations and share ideas. Of course I might still post about cosmetics but I want to talk about so many other things that are going in my life. I don't want to start a new blog for this, I'm just going to extend this one. I hope it will be enjoyable for me and the readers.