This is a... suggestion to all of you people who do makeup reviews. I guess this could be helpful for anyone who uses makeup or skincare in general.
When you review a product, you should know your skin type. If you don't, it wouldn't hurt to see a cosmetologist to get an official opinion on that. It will help you tremendously the next time you have to choose a product for yourself. My skin type for example, changes with the time of the year because the climate change between summer and winter is so dramatic. I use oily to combination skin products during summer and products for normal to dry skin during winter. It sucks because I have to use more money than someone who has the same skin type all year long.
But that was not my point here. Thing is that I read reviews, watch them on Youtube and sometimes I do wonder if the product that got the bad review is truly that bad. I came across once more a video where a girl first complains how dry her skin is and then says a product was bad for her because it was so very drying. Funny thing is that the problem is not in the product that is made for oily skin, it's in the user.
I know I can't change the world but I wish that more people would be more aware of this and would not give false reviews about products that aren't meant for them. Thank you.