
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Christmas Nakayoshi

I've only bought Japanese fashion magazines before, but decided to order a manga one. I have no regrets even though I can't read it....yet. It also came with a comic calendar which I think is really cute and cool idea. Most calendars will just be thrown away because let's face it, they're boring! But now I have one year of my life in a comic book form! How neat is that? I will post pictures of the calendar later~

Monday, April 1, 2013

I can't believe I found this!

This page somehow is still up. Since I'm too tired to make a new blog I might as well continue in here. I haven't been as much to make up lately, but I'm sure when I'm not posting about beauty, it will be related to Asian culture one way or the other. Though no one better not shoot me if there is a post that has nothing to do with beauty or Asia!

Anyway has anyone else seen these new Tamagochi's? They're so adorable and kawaii! I think they're called Tamagochi P but I have no idea why. Is it because it's generation P? Or because they're princesses? I'm dying to get a White one but they're expensive and still only in Japanese. I think I'll wait till they are in English so I will understand what is going on with my pet :D

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I moved

So if you want to follow my new blog that is about my life in general too but I'm going to do make up reviews etc. too, visit

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Reviews Ahead!

My friend is in Korea right now and she is going to bring me some products which I am excited to use and review! Before she left she even gave me this BB Cream I haven't come across before. Haven't tried it yet since it's summer and my skin is very oily. It looks really cool so I'm wondering if anyone has tried it yet. I will post a picture later!

BTW I'm thinking about getting bangs like that girl in the picture. Kawaii?

Know Your Skin

This is a... suggestion to all of you people who do makeup reviews. I guess this could be helpful for anyone who uses makeup or skincare in general.

When you review a product, you should know your skin type. If you don't, it wouldn't hurt to see a cosmetologist to get an official opinion on that. It will help you tremendously the next time you have to choose a product for yourself. My skin type for example, changes with the time of the year because the climate change between summer and winter is so dramatic. I use oily to combination skin products during summer and products for normal to dry skin during winter. It sucks because I have to use more money than someone who has the same skin type all year long.

But that was not my point here. Thing is that I read reviews, watch them on Youtube and sometimes I do wonder if the product that got the bad review is truly that bad. I came across once more a video where a girl first complains how dry her skin is and then says a product was bad for her because it was so very drying. Funny thing is that the problem is not in the product that is made for oily skin, it's in the user.

I know I can't change the world but I wish that more people would be more aware of this and would not give false reviews about products that aren't meant for them. Thank you.

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Cutest Powder

I was looking for an affordable powder from the Asian brands and this one really caught my eye. Most powders I see are round so this looked very different. I love the pink package and the product is really good on my skin. Sometimes maybe too "sandy looking" if put too much but other than that an excellent product. I highly recommend to anyone's make up collection.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Queen Concealer

I love shopping online. Where I live pretty much the 10 different kind of stores that sell make up have pretty much the same stuff. The products are lame and packaging is so boring I wonder who even buys that stuff unless it's an emergency.

So I bought this Holika Holika Dark Circle Stealer Eye Corrector. It was $12 so it's VERY affordable. Cheaper than the cheapest I could find here. And this one actually WORKS!!! It's the perfect color for my skin and is light even though it conceals well. It's perfect. There's no other way to describe it. Just makes me think how I bought with my graduation money a $60 Joe Blasco eye concealer that doesn't work as well and the shade is too dark for me.

Makes me wonder how much money could have I saved in the last 10 years if I had bought Korean cosmetics...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Holika Holika

I have a new love in the Korean make up brands. Holika Holika is everything I've wanted. I love the witch theme. A lot of their products have cats on them(total love!) and look really nice. I only have one product so far but I was so happy about it that I bet all their stuff is amazing(still have to wait and see). So here's the BB Cream I ordered from eBay. It's called the Clearing Petit BB Cream (blue). It's meant for oily skin which is a blessing. Right now it's summer over here and my skin can't stand dry/normal skin products. Most BB Creams out there are for dryer skin to prevent wrinkles so I felt that I have to buy normal department store foundations for summer. I still have my Biotherm one but I find that normal foundations don't give much coverage. This BB Cream has solved that. At first I felt like it was too covering but after I left it dry and put some blush on I looked like a person with really good skin. I couldn't be happier.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Layout

I'm sure most of you can see that my blog has changed drastically. I really felt like the old one needed to go and I wanted to get something more cuter. I hope you all enjoy it(I do a lot).

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm The Only Girl Gamer

I have to admit this side of myself. Yes I play games and probably should spend more time with girls! This side of me has grown even more after I met my husband. Also my best friend plays games but she kinda gets away with it since she is Asian. Recently we got a Xbox 360 (so happy) and Kinect for it. I love playing Adventurers and Dance Central. My husband has a Playstation 3(I bought him a new one for his birthday since it broke) and we both have PSP's and Nintendo DS's.

I used to play only computer games since my parents wouldn't allow me to have a game console. This changed a lot when I met my husband who bought me a DS and PSP. Thing is that my mom plays games too but talks bad about my husband playing games. The difference is that my mom enjoys Facebook games(which I think are the low cast of social games). I'm curious to hear what is YOUR mother or father hypocritical about?

Anyway if someone is interested in what I play etc. please leave a comment!