Thursday, November 3, 2011
I moved
So if you want to follow my new blog that is about my life in general too but I'm going to do make up reviews etc. too, visit
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Reviews Ahead!

BTW I'm thinking about getting bangs like that girl in the picture. Kawaii?
Know Your Skin

When you review a product, you should know your skin type. If you don't, it wouldn't hurt to see a cosmetologist to get an official opinion on that. It will help you tremendously the next time you have to choose a product for yourself. My skin type for example, changes with the time of the year because the climate change between summer and winter is so dramatic. I use oily to combination skin products during summer and products for normal to dry skin during winter. It sucks because I have to use more money than someone who has the same skin type all year long.
But that was not my point here. Thing is that I read reviews, watch them on Youtube and sometimes I do wonder if the product that got the bad review is truly that bad. I came across once more a video where a girl first complains how dry her skin is and then says a product was bad for her because it was so very drying. Funny thing is that the problem is not in the product that is made for oily skin, it's in the user.
I know I can't change the world but I wish that more people would be more aware of this and would not give false reviews about products that aren't meant for them. Thank you.
Monday, July 18, 2011
My Cutest Powder

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Queen Concealer
I love shopping online. Where I live pretty much the 10 different kind of stores that sell make up have pretty much the same stuff. The products are lame and packaging is so boring I wonder who even buys that stuff unless it's an emergency.

So I bought this Holika Holika Dark Circle Stealer Eye Corrector. It was $12 so it's VERY affordable. Cheaper than the cheapest I could find here. And this one actually WORKS!!! It's the perfect color for my skin and is light even though it conceals well. It's perfect. There's no other way to describe it. Just makes me think how I bought with my graduation money a $60 Joe Blasco eye concealer that doesn't work as well and the shade is too dark for me.
Makes me wonder how much money could have I saved in the last 10 years if I had bought Korean cosmetics...

So I bought this Holika Holika Dark Circle Stealer Eye Corrector. It was $12 so it's VERY affordable. Cheaper than the cheapest I could find here. And this one actually WORKS!!! It's the perfect color for my skin and is light even though it conceals well. It's perfect. There's no other way to describe it. Just makes me think how I bought with my graduation money a $60 Joe Blasco eye concealer that doesn't work as well and the shade is too dark for me.
Makes me wonder how much money could have I saved in the last 10 years if I had bought Korean cosmetics...
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Holika Holika

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
New Layout
I'm sure most of you can see that my blog has changed drastically. I really felt like the old one needed to go and I wanted to get something more cuter. I hope you all enjoy it(I do a lot).
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I'm The Only Girl Gamer
I have to admit this side of myself. Yes I play games and probably should spend more time with girls! This side of me has grown even more after I met my husband. Also my best friend plays games but she kinda gets away with it since she is Asian. Recently we got a Xbox 360 (so happy) and Kinect for it. I love playing Adventurers and Dance Central. My husband has a Playstation 3(I bought him a new one for his birthday since it broke) and we both have PSP's and Nintendo DS's.
I used to play only computer games since my parents wouldn't allow me to have a game console. This changed a lot when I met my husband who bought me a DS and PSP. Thing is that my mom plays games too but talks bad about my husband playing games. The difference is that my mom enjoys Facebook games(which I think are the low cast of social games). I'm curious to hear what is YOUR mother or father hypocritical about?
Anyway if someone is interested in what I play etc. please leave a comment!
I used to play only computer games since my parents wouldn't allow me to have a game console. This changed a lot when I met my husband who bought me a DS and PSP. Thing is that my mom plays games too but talks bad about my husband playing games. The difference is that my mom enjoys Facebook games(which I think are the low cast of social games). I'm curious to hear what is YOUR mother or father hypocritical about?
Anyway if someone is interested in what I play etc. please leave a comment!
Summer Make Up Bag

So now to the actual products:
Maybelline The One By One Volume Express in "brown"? (are they all brown?)
GOSH Intense Lip Colour in "301"
Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick in "Nude Delight"
Ziaja Lip Balm in "Orange Butter"
GOSH Lip Gloss in "0083"
Skin79 BB Cream in "VIP Gold Collection"
Maybelline Dream Touch Cream Blush in "Peach"
The Body Shop Facial Blotting Tissue in "Tea Tree Oil"
Diesel Perfume in "Fuel for Life"
EXTRA! Ziaja is a cosmetic brand I came accross when I went to this shopping mall I hadn't been to before. It's a really great, affordable brand with great product lines. Do check out!
BB Cream,
Summer Make Up Bag,
The Body Shop,
Booby Lifting
I'm on the chubbier side, I'm not gonna lie. Thing is that my boobs are even bigger, like way too big. Also not big in the nice, round and firm way. More like long and weird looking. And did I mention big? So anyway my husband bought me this coupon for a one time boob lighting treatment that I went to three days ago. I was really hoping to get a little smaller boobs. Thing is that I went there and the person put this big plastic "bra" on my boobs and then started changing the pressure inside them.
So for 45 minutes I was watching my boobs go up and down. I'm just kidding, I really was just relaxing and reading Cosmopolitan. It felt weird but not bad. More than anything, it was very relaxing and tiring. The worker said that this is because the different liquids inside my breasts started moving etc. Even though there wasn't a dramatic difference(also the worker said I need to do like at least 5 to really see the lift) there was definite changes. The skin on my breasts was a lot smoother. Where I have some strech marks the skin got so nice and I can barely see the strech marks. Also me and my husband are taking some before/after pictures(which I'm not gonna post, I hope everyone understands why) and they have went more up! I'm so excited! I went there today too and I'm gonna do 3 more next week. Can't wait for the final look!
So for 45 minutes I was watching my boobs go up and down. I'm just kidding, I really was just relaxing and reading Cosmopolitan. It felt weird but not bad. More than anything, it was very relaxing and tiring. The worker said that this is because the different liquids inside my breasts started moving etc. Even though there wasn't a dramatic difference(also the worker said I need to do like at least 5 to really see the lift) there was definite changes. The skin on my breasts was a lot smoother. Where I have some strech marks the skin got so nice and I can barely see the strech marks. Also me and my husband are taking some before/after pictures(which I'm not gonna post, I hope everyone understands why) and they have went more up! I'm so excited! I went there today too and I'm gonna do 3 more next week. Can't wait for the final look!
The French Way
Here's a book for anyone who wants to lose weight or just want to learn to appreciate natural food. I haven't read it all yet but I'm over half way and it has helped me with portion sizes. It seems to be a huge problem for me that I need a lot of SMALL meals in a day. I like it more if I eat a lot but only once or twice a day. But of course this is not healthy. Check out this book <3
Saturday, June 18, 2011
What Products I Use Before Bed


I'm going to do a post about my face cleaning routine later.
- I haven't been doing this in a while but since my hair seems to be so damaged(and my hair keeps FALLING OFF) I've decided to start using Schwarzkopf's BC line Hair Growth Regime. It's in a small box and has a little funnel? or tube that makes it easier to get it to the scalp where it's needed. I think I would have to use this daily for a week or two to see the difference.
- Next is Avon's Advanced Techniques (Professional Hair Care) Intense Repair that is meant to put on your hair for the night. This works well since for some reason I use shampoo and conditioner for very dry/damaged hair and it still won't do the trick. So I think this helps the hair a little more. You have to wash it out in the morning. It feels weird though when you're laying in bed and your hair feels all greasy but at least it works.

- So the first thing is my H&M Body Lotion Hello Kitty Fruity Sorbet. It smells like these Pez candies I used to lose so much when I was a kid that I had to get this. This would be too light for me to use during winter but right now my skin isn't screaming for ultimate moisture. So definite buy when your skin doesn't demand much and you want to smell amazing!
- This one does not work for me at all. I use it still anyway since I bought it but I don't see results. Maybe If I had smaller boobs to begin with, it might work. Anyway Avon's Solutions Body Liquid Bra...not worth the money.
- Avon's Foot Works Foot Cream is just something I'm using since it smells divine. Vanilla with brown sugar is like one of the best smells I can think of. I wish I had more of these since I'm running out!
- This product I got on a sale and let me tell you, IT WORKS! Avon's Anew Clinical Trilaser Cellulite Corrector is really good and even better when you buy it on sale. It only needs one night to do the work for you and I was so shocked when I saw the difference for the first time.
- The last step is something I do now since it's summer to get some color for my skin. Right now it has been rainy and cold for few weeks(sunlight is not common over here even during summer!). I just got kind of annoyed last time because people could really see the lines where I had applied more product. So I just need to be more careful next time. But for someone who is on a budget, do try Dove's Summer Glow Body Lotion.

I'm going to do a post about my face cleaning routine later.
Been Busy

I haven't made a blog entry in a while because of school and looking for a job etc. but now I'm going to have more time+stuff to blog about! So I'm just gonna get started with that and I hope it will be enjoyable!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Self-tanning Products I Use
I've been using some self tanning lotions. The weather got so cold and cloudy suddenly that tanning outside hasn't been an option. Also I don't think it's healthy to use tanning beds.
So the ones I have are from Avon, Dove and Lumene. I tried to get as cheap stuff as I could that would still be good. I'll post some pictures of the products when my dad drops off a new camera for me tomorrow.
On my face I use Avon, Lancome and Oriflame tinted moisturizers.
So the ones I have are from Avon, Dove and Lumene. I tried to get as cheap stuff as I could that would still be good. I'll post some pictures of the products when my dad drops off a new camera for me tomorrow.
On my face I use Avon, Lancome and Oriflame tinted moisturizers.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Before I go to my actual post I want to ask if anyone knows if there's specific purikura books or do people make them themselves?
Anyway on with the post. I knew my Rock&Roll phase was going to last only for a bit and now I'm again, head over heels into Gyary. I really like the more schoolgirl kind of look, I just don't know if I'm old enough to pull off a look like that. Well what does other people's opinions matter anyway? I should be abl e to dress the way I want right? I wish I could actually feel like that.
It's a sin to look cute over here. I think I mentioned this in an earlier post but I'm gonna talk about it again. I think cute is feminine and it makes me feel good. It's just that since I'm not asian or a foreigner in my country, there's no excuse to why I would be wearing cute stuff. Unless there's of course somenthing wrong with me.
Anyway on with the post. I knew my Rock&Roll phase was going to last only for a bit and now I'm again, head over heels into Gyary. I really like the more schoolgirl kind of look, I just don't know if I'm old enough to pull off a look like that. Well what does other people's opinions matter anyway? I should be abl e to dress the way I want right? I wish I could actually feel like that.
It's a sin to look cute over here. I think I mentioned this in an earlier post but I'm gonna talk about it again. I think cute is feminine and it makes me feel good. It's just that since I'm not asian or a foreigner in my country, there's no excuse to why I would be wearing cute stuff. Unless there's of course somenthing wrong with me.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Style Change For Summer

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
More Books

I've been very excited to read this book called "The Hunger Game". When I was working in a bookstore earlier this year, I saw the book on the teenage section and it seemed to be very popular. I rememver thinking why. I mean my first impression of the book was that it's some boys in some deserted island trying to stay alive.
When I heard Elle from Youtube (AllThatGlitters21) review the book serie, I got interested in it. I never thought it would be some futuristic love story thing. I read the first 40 pages last night when I should have been sleeping ^^' It was okay, I like the way it has been written. Though I have to say I'm not a fan of forest people xD
When I heard Elle from Youtube (AllThatGlitters21) review the book serie, I got interested in it. I never thought it would be some futuristic love story thing. I read the first 40 pages last night when I should have been sleeping ^^' It was okay, I like the way it has been written. Though I have to say I'm not a fan of forest people xD
Monday, May 2, 2011
Trying To Read

I have been reading more than usual lately. Well mostly the books hang around in my room but I do read them occasionally. It's hard when you have an unemployed husband who has so much time on his hands so I end up doing stuff with him. I do wish I had more alone time. Our apartment is quite small so it feel weird to be doing stuff separately in the same room. Do other people have this same problem? Any ideas how to solve this?

Anyway so I've been into this book serie called "House of Night"that is about this girl who turns into a vampire and has to move away from her family to a vampire community. The book has not yet hooked me but I do enjoy reading it. You can find vampire things everywhere now, which I'm happy about. Vampires are one of my favorite "mythical" beings and I do find them facinating...and sexy....real sexy!
Anyway so I've been into this book serie called "House of Night"that is about this girl who turns into a vampire and has to move away from her family to a vampire community. The book has not yet hooked me but I do enjoy reading it. You can find vampire things everywhere now, which I'm happy about. Vampires are one of my favorite "mythical" beings and I do find them facinating...and sexy....real sexy!
My Huawei

Cellphones are an important part of our daily lives now. I know my phone is very precious to me and means a lot. Not for the obvious reasons though. I love customizing it, I wish there was more skins or hard covers available for it T-T Also the cover itself is kind of sort so I don't think adding diamonds etc. would work. But it is so nice. I think Android phones are gonna become so great soon. They have so much potential. My phone is already full of different kinds of applications. I love weight and food tracking programs. Though I'm still trying to find the one for me. But anyway I love them <3
What kind of cellphone do you have?
Taking A New Page
I have not posted anything in along time but I think my problem is that make up is not my life. My life is so much more and I think that now I want to share those things with other people, have conversations and share ideas. Of course I might still post about cosmetics but I want to talk about so many other things that are going in my life. I don't want to start a new blog for this, I'm just going to extend this one. I hope it will be enjoyable for me and the readers.
Friday, February 11, 2011
My Asian Inspiration
I know what I want to look like. Here's some samples:

There's no way I can look like that though since I'm not asian. But I can still mimic the clothes, hair and make up.Also asians use different kind of expressions from what I'm used to over in my country. Girls are not cute here, they need to be flaming hot and look like they can punch you. I also think western people have a different kind of view on being hot. Girls look slutty over here! That's why I admire the softness and kindness asian girls can have. I was teased a lot in school for being too kind. I also wish we had school uniforms here. But maybe I will get a chance to use one in cosplay/theme parties.

There's no way I can look like that though since I'm not asian. But I can still mimic the clothes, hair and make up.Also asians use different kind of expressions from what I'm used to over in my country. Girls are not cute here, they need to be flaming hot and look like they can punch you. I also think western people have a different kind of view on being hot. Girls look slutty over here! That's why I admire the softness and kindness asian girls can have. I was teased a lot in school for being too kind. I also wish we had school uniforms here. But maybe I will get a chance to use one in cosplay/theme parties.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sometimes It Hits Me
Don’t you just hate it when there’s so much stuff you want but zero money? It’s like you feel like you can’t live your life to the fullest. I know it’s a sin to rely so much on money but money provides you so much things in life. Especially when you’re not in good terms with your family and don’t have close friends like me! But maybe one of these days things will change…maybe. I’ve been thinking about writing more because maybe I will come up with something other people want to read? Also I blame the fact that everything, I mean everything is so freaking expensive here! More expensive than in most countries. And even though I pay a lot for some sweater it will break easily. So it’s irritating to buy something you like but have no quality. Makes me feel bad when I watch american girls on youtube and how they have so much different kind of clothes and make up even though they live in a state where they have maybe one two seasons… I don’t mean to sound depressing but sometimes it just hits me how stupid it is to live here. So what I’m left with is dreaming. Dreaming of a happier future.
Though I have bought a lot of make up since my last cosmetic related posts so I should do those. And maybe talk more about what direction I want to take.
Though I have bought a lot of make up since my last cosmetic related posts so I should do those. And maybe talk more about what direction I want to take.
Friday, January 21, 2011
How To Become More Gyaru

There's some stuff I need to do to become more the way I want to be. I need to start to use more make up so I get more practise. I need to take better care of my appearance and diet. I need to be more considerant of the clothes I buy. There's so much stuff I want to buy online. I wish I had the money. But I know I will do it!
Thing is that I have a buttload of make up so I don't need to waste money on basic stuff. But I keep finding these super cute asian ones online. I wish I didn't have so much western ones so I wouldn't feel bad about getting more.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
A New Beginning
I have made a decision.
It doesn't matter what has happened and what will happen.
It doesn't matter if I'm not perfect or good enough for my dreams.
I'm still going to go for them.
It's not anyone elses business what I am.
It's mine
It belongs to me
I know I almost stoppen posting stuff here mostly because I haven't had time to do so but now I will start to do so. And I will talk about more things than just make up. I mean life's so much more than that and if I don't start now, when will I? Before I had more personal blogs but they usually died because that problem I talked about got solved or disappeared... Or I don't know. The point is now I'm gonna try to do things differently. Also adding a nice picture ♥

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